Shoulder Roll Neck Stretch

In this episode of MoveMedics TV I share my fav neck stretch, the Shoulder Roll Neck Stretch, with you.

The Shoulder Roll Neck Stretch combines some classic neck stretches with shoulder rolls, I find this to be effective to sweep across the entire area I want to affect.

It’s super easy and useful for those experiencing stiffness and tightness in their neck. It’s also helpful for alleviating tension in your voice!

’Til next time, Be Free In Your Movement.™

B. Phty
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If stretching your neck is relevant for you, this is my favourite way of doing it.

Hi, I’m Selina from MoveMedics here to help you move better, feel better, so you can keep doing what makes you happy, for as long as you want.

The movement I am doing in this video is for demonstration purpose only, if you have pain or have any doubts at all, please go see a qualified health professional.

I call this movement the Shoulder Roll Neck Stretch because it combines some classic neck stretches with a shoulder roll. I find this to be effective to sweep across the entire area I want to affect. It’s super easy and this is how I do it.

You can do this sitting or standing; I’m standing today.

You put one hand on your chest, this hand is here to monitor your torso and we’ll come back to that in a moment.

Firstly, be tall and take your head, tilt it down towards the side where the hand is on the chest, we will hold here for 10 seconds. 

This is of course one of the classic neck stretch, and you should feel a stretch on the side of your neck.

After 10 seconds we are going to add five gentle shoulder rolls, like so, rolling nice and slow, I’ll show you from the side, tip your shoulder forward, lift it up, roll it back, and down, forward, up, around, and down, one more.

Now we are going to add a rotation. Keep your head in the side tilt and you are going to turn your nose down towards the armpit, and we will hold here for 10 seconds. This is of course another classic neck stretch position.

After 10 seconds we will add the five shoulder rolls.

Now, as you turn your head you may have slipped into the side a little bit so check that whether it’s happen or not, if it has just gently guide yourself back upright and then continue with your shoulder rolls.

We’re going to add another rotation now so maintain this side tilt and turn your nose up to sneak a peek of the ceiling, hold this position for 10 seconds, check to see whether you’ve slumped down, guide yourself back up if you have and then we will add the shoulder rolls.

You may hear and feel some crunching as you roll, that is just movement noises, it’s totally fine, but if you don’t like it you can make your shoulder roll smaller and slower, that should make it quiet.

So after five rolls what we will do now is we will slide the hand from the chest to the head, supporting the weight to guide it back upright.

Now to the other side. The opposite hand goes on the chest now, be tall and tip to the opposite side, hold this for 10, and then we would slowly add the shoulder rolls.

You can if you want work on making the shoulder roll bigger as you go, you don’t have to, listen to your body and nurture it with what it needs.

After the five, we will add the first rotation, maintain the side tilt and turn your nose down towards the armpit, hold for 10, and then we will add the rotation.

Once again checking to see as you turn your head if you have slipped into the side, it’s so easy to do, if it has happened just guide yourself back up, and keep rolling.

And then we will finish up with the final rotation, maintaining the side tilt and turn to look up towards the ceiling, hold for 10, check your torso, add the rolls.

And now we will slide our hand from the chest to underneath the head and guide your head back up to neutral.

And that is the Shoulder Roll Neck Stretch. I hope you have found this useful, let me know by giving me a thumbs up.

Please do share this video with your friends who might be interested as well.

And before you go, make sure you subscribe to my channel so my next video will show up on your home screen, and until then, thank you so much for watching and Be Free In Your Movement.

It’s nice.

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Selina Tannenberg is a Meanjin (Brisbane)-based Physiotherapist, Singer, Composer. She believes a Strong, Limber and Fit body is an under-utilised key to enhancing Vocal Efficiency and Performance so has created Voice Physio to help Singers build Strong Bodies for Singing! She publishes music under her nom de plume, Asirus, and has a pet dragon named Sk’on.

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